You might qualify for government aid if you are struggling with debt or loss of employment. You might also qualify for help if you are trying to get a college degree or you have medical expenses. Although this aid is available when needed but no person is automatically entitled to it. Help is given when the government determines that a person or family qualifies for it.

The government provides several programs for people with legitimate financial need. Programs like child care, healthcare, nutrition, etc. There are specific criteria that qualifies people for government assistance.

How to get Help

First step to take, if you are in need of aid, is to fill out an application for the program you want help from. If you meet the eligibility requirements, then you will be considered for the program. Note that you might not receive your aid in form of cash.

Visit, this site will connect you with the right programs. Try not to see accepting government aid as being embarrassing but simply as a way to help you out while you try to get back on your feet.

Using is really easy. Visit the website and choose from the following options:

Find Benefits: Choosing this will lead to a questionnaire. You need to answer every question on it because your answer will determine the benefit list you get. This will make the entire process easier for you.

Check the list: If you already know the program you might qualify for then you can skip the previous process and go straight to the browse tool. The page will show you the available benefits.

Grants does not provide information on grants. To apply for a grant, go to to apply.
Below are some helpful sources for obtaining grants:

1. Rural Rental Assistance: This is a grant that is used to lower the amount of rent that is paid by people living in rural rental housing. The eligibility requirement is that the rent must exceed 30% of the monthly income of the family.

2. Good Neighbour Next Door Program: This program is for people who provide community services like teachers, police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technician. This program offers them a 50% discount on a HUD home.

3. Disaster Relief Assistance: This program is for people who have experiences natural disasters like flood, fire strike, hurricanes and tornadoes. The FEMA places displaced families with any available housing in their area and supports them until they can stand on their feet again.

4. Housing Grants and Loans: If you have low income, you can apply for aid from the Rural Housing Repair Loans and Grants Program. This will help improve your property and make necessary repairs. It can also be used to eradicate health hazards, if there are any.

Life can present unexpected challenges that make it difficult for you to pay your bills, stay in your home or cater for your children. Whatever it is, do not hesitate to seek for help.